Return to Modern Art Foundry

Luise with her monumental work, "Christ in Glory"

We recently returned to Modern Art Foundry to continue work on two bronze sculptures, "Masada" and "Wheat" (photographs coming soon).
Melissa and Morton Kaish partnered on these projects with foundry owner Jeffrey Spring and his sister Mary Jo – whose father and grandfather had collaborated closely with Luise over three generations.
The iconic photograph, above, of my mother beside the ten ton "Christ in Glory" commissioned for the Holy Trinity Mission Seminary has always fascinated me.
Standing in the very place where she once stood, I felt a thrill of excitement. There was a feeling of completion and possibility. A sense of arriving to
the right place, at the right time.
I am honored to extend the relationship between generations of Kaishes and generations of Springs–and to continue my mother's work into the future.
- Melissa Kaish